February 6, 2025

DNS Africa Resource Center

..sharing knowledge.

Community networks newsletter: Lessons from grassroots communities in times of internet setbacks – apc.org

This repository is a collective online space to store and exchange resources that can be useful in training processes, focused on materials made for and by community networks.
In the repository, you can find more information about the National School of Community Networks in Indonesia, run by Common Room Networks Foundation, as well as check out some inspiring pictures from it.
Find out more!
This newsletter is part of the Local Networks initiative (LocNet), a collective effort led by APC and Rhizomatica in partnership with grassroots communities and support organisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. It aims to directly support meaningful community-centred connectivity initiatives, while contributing to an enabling ecosystem for their emergence and growth. 
Previous editions of this newsletter are available here.
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One more thing! If you have comments about the newsletter or information relevant to the topic that you would like us to include in the next edition, please share it with us here.
Association for Progressive Communications (APC) 2024. 
Unless otherwise stated, content on the APC website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).


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