January 17, 2025

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How Good & Prestigious is Ankara University? – Rebellion Research

How Good & Prestigious is Ankara University?
Turkey’s Ankara University is a very good and highly prestigious university. Globall ranked and respected!
Ankara University, located in Ankara, Turkey, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the country. In this comprehensive essay, we will explore various aspects of Ankara University, including its history, academic programs, reputation, facilities, and the overall student experience.
Battle of Ankara, 1402
Unknown author – http://warfare.tk/Ottoman/Ottoman.htm
Established in 1946, Ankara University has a rich history and has played a significant role in shaping higher education in Turkey. It has grown to become a leading institution known for its academic excellence and contribution to research and scholarship. The university takes pride in its mission to provide high-quality education, promote scientific inquiry, and foster a spirit of critical thinking and intellectual development.
Ankara University offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, humanities, health sciences, and more. The university is home to numerous faculties, institutes, and research centers that cater to diverse academic interests. Students have the opportunity to pursue their chosen fields of study under the guidance of experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields.
The university has a reputation for its rigorous academic standards and the quality of its graduates. Ankara University attracts high-caliber students who are passionate about their academic pursuits. The institution fosters an intellectually stimulating environment where students are encouraged to think critically, engage in research activities, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their fields.
Ankara University is equipped with modern facilities and resources to support the academic and research needs of its students and faculty. The university libraries house extensive collections of books, journals, and electronic resources, providing students with access to a wealth of information. Additionally, the campus features well-equipped laboratories, computer facilities, sports facilities, and cultural centers, contributing to a holistic and enriching student experience.
Regarding the freedom for academics to dictate courses and conduct research, Ankara University values academic freedom and encourages faculty members to pursue their research interests and design courses that align with their expertise and academic goals. This freedom allows for a diverse and comprehensive curriculum that reflects the dynamic nature of the academic field.
The Res Gestae Divi Augusti is the self-laudatory autobiography completed in 13 AD, just before his death, by the first Roman emperor Augustus. Most of the text is preserved on the walls of the Monumentum Ancyranum.
Ankara University’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs are well-regarded, offering rigorous and comprehensive education in these fields. The university’s faculties of science, engineering, and health sciences are known for their strong STEM programs and research contributions.
In terms of cost of attending Ankara University, tuition fees may vary depending on the program and the student’s status (domestic or international). It is advisable to consult the university’s official website or contact the admissions office for accurate and up-to-date information regarding tuition fees, scholarships, and financial aid opportunities.
Ankara University Faculty of Humanities in 1940s
SALTOnline – https://www.flickr.com/photos/saltonline/16195187126/
Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi’nin binası 1937’de Bruno Taut tarafından tasarlandı. Aynı dönemde Ankara İmar Planı’nı hazırlamakta olan Hermann Jansen projeye karşı çıktı, ancak İmar İdare Heyeti itirazları yerinde bulmadı ve proje uygulandı.
Ana caddeye paralel dikdörtgen prizmatik kütlesi ile bunun iki ucuna eklenmiş küçük bloklardan meydana gelen yapının ön cephesinde taş ve tuğla birlikte kullanıldı; yan ve arka cepheler sıvayla kaplandı. Erken Cumhuriyet dönemi anıtsal mimarlığına uygun olarak modern-klasisist tarzda olan yapının ön cephe alınlığındaki Atatürk Maskı, heykeltıraş Joseph Throak’ın çalışmasıdır. Fakülte bahçesinde yer alan Mimar Sinan Anıtı ise, Hüseyin Anka Özkan tarafından yapılmıştır. SALT Araştırma, Ali Saim Ülgen Arşivi.
Ankara University Campus in 1940s
Directorate General of Press and Information – https://www.flickr.com/photos/128445772@N04/16852461225/
The other side of the Atatürk Boulevard can be seen from the Yenişehir (The New City). Female students are walking towards the Yenişehir. The refuge island of the Boulevard harbours the flowers, acacias, pines and horse-chestnuts. Train bridge is not visible. But we can see the Faculty of Language, History and Geography by renowned German architect Bruno Taut, İsmet Pasha Girls’ Institute by Ernst Arnold Egli and the Radio House. Atatürk Bulvarı, Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, İsmet Paşa Kız Enstitüsü, 1940’lı yıllar. Furthermore, Atatürk Bulvarı, Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, İsmet Paşa Kız Enstitüsü, 1940’lı yıllar.
Atatürk Bulvarı Yenişehir’den aksi yönü görünüyor. Kız öğrenciler Yenişehir’e doğru yürüyorlar. Bulvar’ın orta kaldırımında çiçek tarhları, akasya, at kestanesi, iğne, çam ağaçları gözleri okşuyor. Tren köprüsü gözükmüyor, ama dünyaca ünlü Alman mimar Bruno Taut’un Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, Ernst Arnold Egli’nin İsmet Paşa Kız Enstitüsü ile Kız Lisesi, Radyoevi oradalar. Başkentin Kız Enstitüsü, örnek bir okul. Gazeteci Server Rifat [İskit] Bey, 1934 yılında bir gün ziyaret etmiş. Yedigün’ün tiryakilerini bilgilendirecek. Müdür Hasan Lûtfi Bey ile birlikte derslikleri dolaşıyor. Odalara girip çıkıyor, gördüklerini yazıyor. Özetle, mutfak dersinde konu, kaç çeşit patates yemeği vardır, omlet sufle nasıl yapılır? Sonra, çiçek ve bahçe atölyesinde el işi çiçekler yapılıyor, resim atölyesinde resim. Pastacılık muallimi Madam Hoyizler ile görüşüyor. Onun yanından ayrılıp ev idaresi dersini izliyor. Nakış ve dikiş, şapka atölyelerine gidiyor.
In conclusion, Ankara University is a reputable institution with a rich history and a commitment to academic excellence. It offers a wide range of programs across disciplines, promotes research and critical thinking, and provides a supportive learning environment for students. With its strong STEM programs, commitment to academic freedom, and focus on student success, Ankara University continues to make significant contributions to higher education and research.
Üniversitesi – Cumhuriyetin İlk Üniversitesi
For countless years, recent high school graduates have looked to two of the top liberal arts colleges in the nation:
Furthermore, debating where to spend their next four years!
Amherst College Dean talks with Rebellion Research
Babson College President talks with Rebellion Research
Barnard College President talks with Rebellion Research
Berkeley Dean talks with Rebellion Research
Dartmouth College President talks with Rebellion Research
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MIT Professor & Physics Nobel Prize Winner Talks With Rebellion Research
Stanford Professor & Nobel Prize Winner Talks With Rebellion Research
Pulitzer Prize Winner & Columbia University Professor talks with Rebellion Research
Wellesley College Professor talks with Rebellion Research
Johns Hopkins Professor talks with Rebellion Research
Wharton Professor talks with Rebellion Research
As a result of the acceptance rate, financial aid, and graduation rate of both school’s, which are nearly indistinguishable, students often turn to ask:
Which school offers the better academic possibilities? Or better housing? And lastly, which school holds the better student life experience?
Amherst or Williams
Williams College – Jewish Religious Center. Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA. Architect: Herbert Newman Associates AIA, P.C., according to Williams College website.
Amherst’s College Row, consisting of Williston, South, North, and Appleton halls, with Johnson Chapel at center.
Firstly, Amherst promotes a curriculum which promotes flexibility and independence. Other than a first year seminar, a standard practice across the nation, the school has no core requirements.
This allows students to take responsibility for their intellectual growth, prompting many to double major, without the hindrance of balancing required classes. Furthermore, Amherst is a member of the five college consortium, enabling students to explore classes across schools. Although Williams offers an open curriculum, the school still requires students to take three classes in the arts and humanities. Three in science and mathematics and three in social sciences.
Additionally, students become required to take one course to improve students’ ability to reason abstractly. Furthermore, one course that examines various cultures, and two writing intensive courses. These requirements often prevent students from being able to fully explore their academic interests. As a result of preventing them from taking classes that overlap with core requirements. 
Williams College – Williams dormitory. Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA. Architects (Ralph Adams) Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson, according to Williams College website [1]. Daderot – Own work
Rebellion Research’s CEO lecturing at Amherst College.
First-years at Amherst become housed around the main quad on campus, in newly renovated dorms. Oftentimes in the warmer months, first-years awaken to student’s playing music on the quad or the sounds of frisbee games.
After a student’s first year, student’s are able to choose their dorm location for the following year. Students are able to enter the housing process with friends, often being able to live in the same dorm.
The majority of dorms on Amherst’s campus you will find centrally located. Moreover, several of them are air conditioned with elevators and lounges. In addition to newly renovated dorms, Amherst also boasts a new state of the art science center. Filled with labs and study spaces, the science center is an integral part of campus life. 
Amherst College “Lord Jeffs” vs Cornell ice hockey game on Beebe Lake, Ithaca (January 14, 1922).
The surrounding town offers a vast array of restaurants. In addition, direct access to larger grocery stores that fulfill the needs of college students. The surrounding area also provides access to an expansive campus farm. And a winding bike path that allows students to explore the surrounding mountains and trails. This runs contrary to the surrounding town of Williams, which is significantly more rural and offers substantially less dining options. 
The debate between Amherst and Williams will forever drive the competition between the schools. However, if you look past the similar numbers and statistics of each school. Lastly, Amherst clearly offers a better experience for incoming students.
Which University has the largest endowment?
For example, if you are a school that doesn’t have an incredibly strong brand and are not selective, you had better have a reasonable cost and be able to demonstrate more than others that you deliver tangible outcomes for your students. If you are a big brand and selective (selectivity signals to the market that students have been “vetted” and are the cream of the crop) then the cost and demonstrated outcomes become less important. That said, demonstrated outcomes for students at such institutions usually exist but that may have more to do with the fact that those schools got the best students at the outset – i.e., they would have been successful anyway.
Said another way, what makes a poor university is one that gets the variables out of whack – if the brand is not powerful, it’s not selective, it’s expensive, and outcomes are not there, that is the worst possible place to be. 
In other words, endowments (for the most part) get big at schools that have very powerful brands, are very selective, and have amazing outcomes for their students. Those amazing outcomes are what generate the wealth that then goes back to the school in the form of gifts, thus increasing the endowment and allowing the institution to continue to secure fabulous students. To belabor the point, it’s no surprise that the top ten endowments in the U.S. fit the profile of selective schools with amazing brands:
1. Harvard
2. Yale
3. Stanford
4. Princeton
5. MIT
6. Penn
7. Notre Dame
8. Texas A&M
9. Michigan
10. Washington University St. Louis
Is Arizona State University good?
A palm tree avenue (landscape allée) on the Arizona State University.
President Theodore Roosevelt addresses a crowd of students on the steps of the Old Main at Tempe Normal School (future Arizona State University), March 20, 1911. Undetermined – https://shprs.clas.asu.edu/roosevelt
When embarking on my college journey at Arizona State University, I was aware that it was not an Ivy-League institution or top ranked university. Due to extenuating financial and family related issues, I decided to let go of my acceptances to these “higher ranked” universities and committed to ASU, or better known as, “The Harvard of The West”. 
Williams College Ranking!
Old Main on the Arizona Territorial Normal School (future Arizona State University) campus, circa 1890. ASU/Arizona Board of Regents – http://lib.asu.edu/librarychannel/2010/11/03/tns125/
While prestige and reputation are correlated to certain institutions, I am confident that my success is not confined to the U.S. News and World Report rankings. 
I am determined to make the most of my time here at ASU by actively creating and seeking out opportunities that align with my interests and career goals. So far, my interests and goals lie between finance and technology, or to some, “FinTech”. I have joined technology related research labs and clubs and have fought tooth and nail to increase the presence of FinTech and artificial intelligence related opportunities at ASU. I will ensure that ASU does not fall behind in Industry 4.0! Within my first year here at Arizona State University, I founded a “FinTech” club, launched a research lab on how artificial intelligence can be used in asset management that has grown into 15+ students, and am in the works of hosting an “AI in Finance” conference here at ASU in the fall of 2024. 
Sun Devil Stadium.
Ringing of the Victory Bell, Arizona State University circa 1956.
Because I am able to be close to home and to my familial duties, I have been able to maintain a strong connection with my family and their well-being. Every day, it is through this commitment and sacrifice that remind me of the values of determination, success, and hard work. 
ASU provides me with an environment that nurtures personal growth, self-empowerment, independence, and resilience. The diverse student body at ASU has exposed me to various cultures, backgrounds, and viewpoints, nurturing a deeper appreciation for diversity and enhancing my ability to collaborate effectively. ASU offers an abundance of student clubs, organizations, and events catered to almost any range of interest or background. I am in awe of ASU’s dedication to ensure that all students can find or create a community to belong to and pursue their passions. 
During my time here at Arizona State University, I am also impressed with ASU’s strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship. ASU actively encourages me to think outside of the box and explore new ventures. Along the way, I have forged strong connections with amazing mentors and professors who are all key factors to who I am today. These strong, genuine connections have helped me stay focused on my path and have empowered me to become a creator, problem-solver, and change-maker all in one. Forks up!
I remember my first time at the University of Maryland. It was during my orientation, and I couldn’t help but glance around as I walked around the university. It was exciting! I sightsaw several locations, like the STAMP food court, the stadium, the McKeldin Library, and more. It wasn’t anything like I’ve experienced before. Everything just seemed so vast. I didn’t know if it was the number of people or the tall buildings, but I knew right then that this university was going to be my home for the next few years. 
Although everyone seemed nice, being in this new environment made it harder for me to talk to people. However, after gathering some courage, I introduced myself. And soon, I made a group of friends of my own. That was probably my most favorite part. And I met so many people that loved coding and math as much as I did. The idea of college just seemed so fun at that moment. And honestly, I’m more excited than ever for my next math and computer science courses that I’m taking in the fall. 
The class was much smaller than I originally thought. I was pretty shocked to realize there was only me and another student in the class. However, the instructor and other students were both really nice, and it made me feel like I fit right in at University of Maryland. I found the class itself to be pretty interesting, especially since I knew I had to improve my oral communication skills. Overall, I learned how to communicate effectively through this class in a wide case of different scenarios. 
As I just started college this summer, I can’t say too much on the campus experience. However, I’m already part of the University of Maryland’s Competitive Programming Club! It was the first club I joined at the University of Maryland, and I plan to stay until I graduate. I met some pretty cool people there, even a few who have participated in the ICPC, the greatest college competitive programming competition there is.
I’m also a research assistant at the University of Maryland, on a project led by Professor Saggese. Honestly, the work was pretty confusing at first, and I didn’t know how to start, but after trial and error, I started to get the hang of things. Everyone seemed pretty hard-working towards the project’s goal and it had an effect on me too. I initially started simply converting documents into markdown files and researching basic pair trading.
In the fall, we’ll be delving more into the advanced topics and research arbitrage in cryptocurrency. In my opinion, the research opportunities that UMD offers is one of the biggest parts of their learning experience. Through this opportunity, I learned how to use tools I normally don’t use, such as Docker and linters, and more. It is also one of my favorite activities to do at UMD. 
While my overall campus experience is still in its early stages, I love it. So far, it’s been a great journey, and I can’t wait for all the exciting memories that I’ll continue to make.
At OSU, my life is a harmonious blend of academic rigor, social engagements, and adapting to the dynamic weather of Columbus, Ohio. The campus, with its sprawling landscape, is a hub of activities that are as diverse as the changing seasons.
Every day is a new experience. My mornings are often greeted with the hustle and bustle of students making their way to classes. The architecture of the campus buildings, ranging from the historic to the modern, mirrors the eclectic mix of students. In this setting, the weather plays a pivotal role. The Ohio weather is known for its unpredictability, offering sunny, rainy, and snowy days sometimes all in one week.
Winter at OSU is a season of transformation. The campus, adorned with snow, takes on a serene, picturesque quality. It’s during these cold months that the indoor facilities, like the libraries and recreational centers, become our warm refuges. Despite the cold, the Buckeye spirit remains unwavering. We bundle up in our scarlet and gray, attending classes and football games with enthusiasm.
As spring emerges, the campus is reborn. Trees and flowers bloom, and the Oval becomes a vibrant gathering spot. Students are seen lounging, playing games, and soaking up the sun. The energy is infectious, and the improving weather marks the advent of outdoor events and festivals.
Academically, OSU is a powerhouse. With a plethora of courses and majors, I am spoilt for choice. Professors are not just educators but mentors, guiding me through the intricate paths of learning. The student organizations are as diverse as the student body, offering a platform for every interest and passion.
In conclusion, at OSU, I’m immersed in a diverse, energetic atmosphere amplified by the dynamic Ohio weather, offering a mix of academic and recreational activities.
Lastly, each campus’s weather shapes the student experience, influencing daily activities and the campus atmosphere, making every day a unique blend of learning and environmental interaction.
Gilman Hall, flagship building of the Homewood campus.
JHU produces some of the nation’s most accomplished and acclaimed minds!
Is Bucknell a good school?
Bucknell University Ranking
We spoke with one of the most popular professors of Johns Hopkins University’s Carey Business School. Professor Jim Liew who told us:
Professor Jim Kyung-Soo Liew, Ph.D. with his students!
Professor Jim Liew!
An alumnus & leading Ai mind Garrett Wang told us:
Garrett is the Co-founder and CEO of cerbrec.com & Ex-Principal Engineer of UnitedHealth Group!
Garrett Wang
JHU’s Peabody Institute
We then spoke with a current Johns Hopkins University student who told us:
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Washington D.C. Campus (SAIS)
We then spoke with superstar tech CEO Tom Jaklitsch whose firm Order.co has raised over $44 million:
Tom Jaklitsch 
An incoming student at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studie, Hantong Wu, told us how JHU stood out in the search process:
Hantong attended Amherst College prior to starting a master’s study at JHU!
Duke University Student Life Ranking & Reputation
Let’s explore this question with the help of a Duke University student!
The Levine Science Research Center is the largest single-site interdisciplinary research facility of any American university.
Life at Duke University
Transitioning to life at Duke, the experience is markedly different yet equally enriching. Nestled in the heart of North Carolina, Duke offers an intimate, focused academic and social environment, complemented by the mild and pleasant Durham weather.
The Duke campus is a blend of Gothic architecture, lush green spaces, and serene spots like the Sarah P. Duke Gardens. Here, the weather adds a touch of grace to the already beautiful landscape. Winters are mild, with rare snowfall, allowing the campus’s architectural beauty and natural surroundings to shine year-round.
The mild weather ensures that the campus’s outdoor spaces are always teeming with activity. Whether it’s a quiet afternoon spent reading in the gardens or the exhilarating energy of a basketball game at the Cameron Indoor Stadium, the temperate climate enhances every experience.
Spring and fall at Duke are particularly enchanting. The gardens burst into a riot of colors, and the air is filled with a sense of renewal and anticipation. It’s during these seasons that outdoor study sessions, picnics, and walks around the campus are most popular.
Academically, Duke is intense. The curriculum is designed to push boundaries, fostering a culture of innovation and critical thinking. My peers and I are not just students but active contributors to the learning process. The close-knit community ensures that every voice is heard, and every perspective valued.
In conclusion, Duke provides an intimate, focused learning environment in the mild North Carolina climate, fostering close connections and intellectual rigor. In addition, Duke’s campus weather shapes the student experience, influencing daily activities and the campus atmosphere, making every day a unique blend of learning and environmental interaction. The climate of Duke enriches the distinct academic and social experiences, adding a sensory dimension to the journey of education and personal growth.
Is Syracuse a good University?
Campus circa 1910.
Holden Observatory is part of the Comstock Tract Buildings.
Campus layout in 1909
https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2007661167 : English Home (hec.gov.pk)
Furthermore, serving as a crucial stage in shaping our unique personalities and individual understandings of the world. For me, attending Syracuse University has offered an influential environment to interact with diverse individuals and embrace vibrant college life.
Manley Field House.
Additionally, pursuing the business program at the Whitman School of Management equipped me with valuable skills! And expertise for future career endeavors.
College of Sport and Human Dynamics Main category: David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics.
There are many challenges throughout my college experiences. managing time effectively was one of the challenges. I had a hard time balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, and my individual learning in interest areas. Initially, I struggled to find the right balance and often found myself overwhelmed.
Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion. Syracuse offers an abundance of winter sport activities.
Syracuse alumnus Joe Biden ‘68, 46th President of the United States. Adam Schultz https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president-biden/ (direct download). U.S. President Joe Biden’s official portrait, 2021
This was because the level of difficulty of the initial courses in college took most of my after-class time. I had to review all of the materials for daily classes. Additionally, preview the materials that would become covered for the next day’s class.
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Main category: Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
As a result, I sacrificed my extracurricular activities and my individual learning time. As a result, it made me stressed and increased my anxiety level. To overcome this, I implemented two steps!
Is NYU as good as the Ivy League?
Sims Hall, College of Visual and Performing Arts‎ Main category: Syracuse University College of Visual and Performing Arts‎.
The Warehouse
Within the academic realm, I encountered a particular issue related to group projects—specifically, a leadership style problem. I used to be a high-authority leadership style. Where I expected my teammates to conform to my planning and ideas for the project. This approach made it challenging for me to accept the perspectives and contributions of others. As I believed my thoughts and viewpoints were more valuable.
Whitman School of Management‎ Main category: Martin J. Whitman School of Management‎.
However, through a close conversation with one of my teammates about this potential issue. I began to realize the inappropriateness of my actions.
Haven Hall
Based on that, I learned that successful leaders in the world share a common characteristic. One of being good listeners and being open to diverse perspectives. This is extremely important because an individual’s ideas normally remain limited and biased based on their knowledge.
Day and Graham Halls.
By combining others’ ideas. It could ultimately reduce bias. And form a better project idea after brainstorming with a variety of people.
Is Andover worth it?
Alpha Chi Rho House. The fraternity system remains a large component of the Syracuse University social scene.
In conclusion, my college experience at Syracuse University has been a profound journey of personal growth and transformation.
von Ranke library housed in the Tolley Building (Circa 1910).
The exposure to diverse individuals and engaging college life has broadened my horizons and expanded my understanding of the world.
Booth Hall
Through overcoming challenges and embracing new perspectives, I have developed resilience, adaptability, and improved interpersonal skills. It has empowered me to become a better individual. Equipped with the skills and mindset necessary to navigate the professional world. And lastly, contribute meaningfully to society.
Bird library is the main campus library
Is McGill a good school?
The Albany Lumber District was home to the largest lumber market in the nation in 1865.
An early illustration of the campus, from the 1885 edition of the Wisconsin Blue Book.
Two years ago, I left everything behind and ventured into the unknown, hoping to chase my dreams in the land of opportunity.
Bascom Hill
When I first arrived at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I was a timid girl who could barely utter a word, and the thought of navigating a foreign country was daunting. However, the university’s exceptional resources and facilities provided me with the courage to pursue my dreams here and helped me to grow into a confident dreamchaser.
School alumnus Charles Lindbergh – aviator and military officer, remembered for the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean
I still vividly remember my first year in Madison. I lived in a dormitory with a friendly girl from Milwaukee who was the first person to introduce me to American culture and help me adjust to life here.
Looking back to that year, I learned so much about the ideas, logic, and worldview of my roommate, and a portion of American youth, represented by her. It was a transformative experience that helped me integrate better into American society. 
Overhead view of central campus in the 1920s
Bascom Hall fire that destroyed the dome in 1916[22]
Men’s basketball game as seen from the student section at the Kohl Center
Apart from, College library, the business library also deserves a mention. It provided me with the necessary equipment and tools to conduct projects and pursue market analyzing inquiries. The Business Learning Lab provided eight Bloomberg terminals for students to track company information and stay updated on the market.

A 1920 image of the first dairy school in the University of Wisconsin. Melvin Diemer – https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Image/IM28340
The university’s commitment to providing top-notch equipment and resources truly enhanced my learning experience. 
Men’s hockey game played at the Kohl Center.
Furthermore, the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers a diverse range of clubs and organizations that cater to various interests and career aspirations. In the second year, I joined the Wisconsin Sales and Trading and Asset Management Club, where I met many like-minded individuals who were also interested in the financial market and were determined to enter Wall Street. The club provided a platform for us to learn the ins and outs of the industry, develop our skills, and network with senior professionals. The university’s support for extracurricular activities and career development truly sets it apart. 
View of downtown and Capitol from Washington Street, 1865.
Today, as I reflect on my journey, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and wonder. The University of Wisconsin-Madison has provided me with exceptional facilities and resources that have played a pivotal role in my personal and academic growth. I am excited to continue exploring all that this university and country have to offer. I know that with the support of my friends and school, I will be able to make my dreams a reality.

Map of Madison, 1920
Automobile Blue Book – http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/madison_wi_1920.jpg
Is Georgia Tech good?
President Barack Obama at Georgia Tech, 2015.
I came in as an applied mathematics major and was easily able to find research, club and competition opportunities in my first year. When my interest switched to quantum computing, I was easily able to find the same amount of opportunities, even for such a niche field. Finally, when I settled with my ultimate career interest in quantitative finance, I met brilliant fellows, with whom I was able to share ideas and passion for this industry. 
An early picture of Georgia Tech.
Georgia Institute of Technology Ramblin’ Wreck and Cheerleaders.
I was able to explore fields of applied mathematics and physics. Later going into algorithms and quantum computing, ending with uncertainty quantification. This unique ability to explore not only improved my overall understanding of science but also provided me with the ability to use concepts I researched to approach any complex task creatively. 
A birds-eye view of the campus of the Georgia School of Technology. Unknown author – https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/26080 Technique, Volume VII, No. 14, February 12, 1918.
As a professional powerlifter I was able to find support from the university and local clubs to be able to prepare and continue competing for international titles. Continuing my chess career was great since we have a strong chess team. I was fortunate enough to join and meet plenty of fellows from the quantitative finance group.
IBM Deep Blue Kasparov : A Chess Story
Moreover, the balance that Georgia Tech has between rigorous academics and ability to fully express your interests makes it a perfect fit for ambitious and versatile students. 
Of course it can be tough. Our professor gave a good quote: “If students took just this class, everyone would have an “A”. But balancing 5 or 6… very tough”. It’s true, but it also comes with rewards. The rewards are a rapid increase in time management skills, collaboration, and even networking. Personally, to succeed in the class I read a lot of “Learning-how-learn” books to increase my productivity like Barbara Oakley – “Think like a Mathematician”, as well as meditation and concentration techniques which increased my productivity and research results. 
A panoramic photograph of the student body of the Georgia School of Technology in March 1918, taken by Francis E. Price, a photographer for the Atlanta Constitution. Francis E. Price – https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/26138 Technique, Volume VII, No. 17, March 5, 1918.
And even though I had previous experience from studying in the UK, that was not at all the case. I was able to find a surprisingly large jewish community! One with plenty of cultural and religious events, and even Israeli career opportunities. Although, I was surprised that the majority of my friends ended up being in-state. It was great to learn the “southern” culture and provide a lot of international experience in return. 
In the end I think being a student at Georgia Tech is a very unique experience since the college takes the best of both worlds – the academic and research rigor of a world class institution with endless opportunities, and support/community building of a great and diverse southern college.
Engraving of the early en:Georgia Institute of Technology campus (then Georgia School of Technology), published in the 1888-89 Annual Catalog. Source: http://www.space.gatech.edu/danshiki/Tower/Engravings.html
This combination is perfect for someone like me. Who didn’t have many opportunities for research and rigorous work in high school! However, now I can build that knowledge and network with passionate and unique people.
Georgia Tech’s first two graduates were H.L. Smith (top row, center) and G.C. Crawford (top row, far right).
A time-honored institution! Moreover, globally known for its innovation and academic prowess! Thus attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Graduation ceremony in 2023 was a huge thrill!
The most significant issue was the weather – the day was unseasonably hot. In addition, there was an acute shortage of shaded areas for guests. It seemed as though the event planners had not fully taken into account the sun’s intensity. And as a result, many of us needed to brave the scorching heat for the duration of the ceremony.
Given MIT’s traditional leaning towards esteemed academicians, industry leaders, and luminaries in various fields. It seemed to be a nod towards the evolving landscape of influence and success. Furthermore, initially, it seemed to offer a different perspective.
Is UConn a good school?
However, the speaker’s performance didn’t quite hit the mark. Despite his fame and popularity in the digital realm, his speech lacked the dynamism and inspiration typically expected in such an important occasion.
The iconic architecture of MIT really served as a majestic backdrop! Especially to this lifelong engineer! And of course the proud faces of the graduating students brought a palpable amount of excitement.
In conclusion, the MIT Graduation 2023 included its drawbacks. Moreover, particularly in terms of weather management and the choice of speaker, it was a momentous occasion worthy of celebration. The stunning photographs taken will forever remind us of the pride and joy of the day.
University at Albany, SUNY – Wikipedia
is Umass Amherst good?
Moreover, it is considered among the top 200 globally in almost every university ranking index.
Furthermore, the school offers a spectacular array of fields of study. From agriculture, to biotechnology to finance & accounting.
Furthermore, the university is a member of the Five College system. As a result, students enjoy access to Amherst College, a school that rivals Harvard & Princeton. In addition, to Smith, Mt. Holyoke & Hampshire College! (see: Five College Consortium – Wikipedia)
My journey at Boston University (BU) unfolded like a roller coaster ride!
Marked by dynamics of highs and lows. Ultimately forging a complex love-hate relationship with the  institution and the city of Boston. 
Upon my arrival at BU, I was initially excited by the anticipation of a curriculum tailored to my chosen concentrations. However, the structure of the business school led to disappointment. The  design of the curriculum demanded we undertake a multitude of courses outside our major before specializing. Thus, leading me to partake in classes in fields like philosophical logic and global health. 
While these courses were not my primary focus, they broadened my range of education and my  intellectual curiosity.  
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Parallel to my academic journey, the city of Boston itself represented another aspect of my BU  experience. Having become raised in the chaotic natures of global metropolises like New York, Shenzhen, and Taipei. As a result, Boston’s pace and quieter winters proved a challenging transition.
Amidst these challenges, BU has been a transformative force, profoundly shaping my personality and career aspirations. This institution introduced me to an extraordinary array of individuals. Friends, mentors, and advisors who have become an integral part of my life. Their unwavering  support and guidance have been instrumental in defining my outlook and preparing me for my  professional career. 
In retrospect, despite the rocky start and unexpected obstacles. My tenure at BU and life in Boston have been both enriching and rewarding. The downturns have become balanced by  incredible relationships and personal growth. So, while my BU experience has indeed been a  roller coaster ride. It’s been an exhilarating one that I would not trade for anything.
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History of the School?
Boston University was founded in 1839 as a Methodist seminary. However, it has since grown into a major research university with a diverse range of academic programs. Over the years, the university has undergone many changes and transformations. But it has remained committed to its mission of providing a high-quality education to students from all backgrounds.
Known for its research excellence and innovation, particularly in the fields of business, communications, and the arts.
Also known for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. With a diverse student body and faculty. Additionally, BU has a beautiful campus and its location in the heart of Boston. Moreover, it is a major cultural and intellectual hub in the United States. I’ve driven through the campus one hundred times. It’s great!
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Tuition and Fees?
Room and Board?
University of Vienna!
Let’s take a look at this school today!
University of Vienna: A Comprehensive Overview
Seal of the University of Vienna
The University of Vienna, located in Austria’s capital city, is one of the oldest and largest universities in Europe. Founded in 1365, the university has a long and rich history, contributing significantly to the academic, cultural, and intellectual life of the region.

Students riot at the University of Vienna after a Nazi attempt to prevent Jews from entering the university (c. 1938)
Unknown author – https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa3596
Depiction of Vienna in the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493
Following my graduation from high school in Morocco, I was always determined to study abroad and accumulate more experience in Mathematics. Thus, I sent out my application to the prestigious University of Vienna and got conditional admission to a full-time bachelor’s degree.
As expected, we started with heavy Analysis taught by a Complex analysis expert Bernhard Lamel. It was a great joy to see a competent mathematician illustrating the subject of Calculus in a very abstract way, especially for freshman students. “Bernhard Lamel knew all proofs of his favorite mathematician Walter Rudin by heart haha”. I had a mix of very nice, competent professors in the course of my Undergraduate, to name a few “Günther Hörmann, Michael Eichmair, Jiri Cerny, and Adrian Constantin…”. Toward the end of my Undergrad studies, I had a turning point and it is best described as follows: 
They say some real-life encounters can shape the trajectory of your life and this is exactly what happened to me as a bachelor’s student. At that time, I decided to be supervised by Professor Donninger. Our few regular meetings allowed me to observe the craftsmanship it takes to be a competent mathematician, from the ability to work from first principles to making guesses and formulating hypotheses, and then working one’s way to proving them.
Consequently, I intend to eventually apply to pursue Ph.D. studies or a research-type position in North America to become a well-rounded researcher who is not only competent and rigorous but also creative, innovative, and most importantly driven. All in all, I think the process of coming from a different country, background, and culture and yet proving myself has tremendously contributed to shaping me as a young/hungry mathematician as well as a mature human being.
Campus and Facilities:
Vienna in 1683
Logo of the University of Vienna, variation
University of Vienna – http://public.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=6084
With its rich history, the University of Vienna has been at the forefront of academic and research excellence in Europe for centuries. Its location in one of Europe’s most culturally rich cities, combined with a vast range of academic programs and a vibrant student community, makes it a sought-after institution for students globally. Those looking to immerse themselves in deep academic traditions while experiencing the charm of Vienna will find the University of Vienna an excellent choice.
Wikipedia : (univie.ac.at)
Trinity’s arguably most famous alumnus, Truman Capote, photographed by Carl Van Vechten, 1948.
Trinity’s Computer Science (CS) and Robotics programs need a revamp. Moreover, there is one track of CS classes so there is only one class you can take a year — not like science electives etc, and I only know one person in the whole school who got a grade below an A in the class. This is because the CS curriculum is not challenging nor rigorous. Trinity needs more CS classes, teachers, and a better curriculum if they truly want to educate their students well. 
Separately, there are only two CS classrooms and they are the most unattractive classrooms ever. The CS department office is basically a closet. This shows how unimportant the school considers the CS department.
The Upper West Side and Central Park as seen from Top of the Rock observatory at Rockefeller Center. In the background to the west are the Hudson River and the George Washington Bridge.
The team meets twice a week — not enough to actually make anything good — and the coach is less of a coach and more of a chaperone.  As a former member of the team I can attest that the coach mostly sat on his laptop scrolling through Amazon. 
This meant that all the coaching and organization was left to the one senior geek kid who knew a bunch about robotics through outside of school programs. Of course, this one senior is not an equipped coach and basically spent all his time doing everything robotics related because no one else was good enough or could receive the proper education to become good at robotics. Moreover, while our school may occasionally win awards at robotics tournaments, that is because we participate in the biggest joke of a competition. Our peer institutions — Horace Mann and Dalton — all have  serious robotics and CS programs, have teams and coaches that are actually good and compete at a more advanced level.
Horace Mann Vs Trinity
Is Dalton a good school?
Verdi Square at the intersection of Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. The 72nd Street subway station on the 1, ​2, and ​3 trains is in the center of the square.
Furthermore, I don’t necessarily expect the school’s math, science, and CS curricula to be at that level. However, it’s undeniable that STEM, especially CS, is becoming increasingly important in a tech-driven world. I’d even go as far as to suggest that Trinity should require students to take 1-2 years of CS. Of course, they should greatly expand the CS department to accommodate that. 
For instance, the school could shift the sophomore year CS course to freshman year (I did not find the freshman year courses, Design Thinking and Digital Storytelling, to be especially meaningful) and then open up multiple electives in junior and senior years, similar to what the History and English departments offer. I think the Math curriculum could also have more advanced course offerings in senior year, such as Multivariable Calculus, a fixed Linear Algebra course, and a rigorous proof-based course (in addition to Topics in Mathematics, which is a great elective.)
Trinity truly does a phenomenal job in the humanities — I see that especially now as I take humanities courses at Columbia — and the school could be even more impressive if its STEM department could offer a similarly formative experience for Trinity students, especially those who don’t consider themselves STEM students when they enter Trinity. I know that I was very much a math kid when I came into Trinity in seventh grade, and my high school experience truly expanded my interests into English, history, debate, journalism, and more. 
Student-teacher relations are great (one of the best benefits of a Trinity education.) I greatly appreciate all that the school has given me.
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I think that Trinity’s STEM departments are substantially weaker than their excellent humanities counterparts. My largest issue with Trinity’s STEM classes, definitely Trinity’s problem-based math curriculum. The math department overwhelmingly supports the problem-based approach, and they only hire teachers who support the problem-based approach, leading to comparatively under qualified math teachers.
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Is UCF Good? (rebellionresearch.com)
While the problem-based curriculum is a good idea in theory, Trinity’s ‘problem packets’ became poorly crafted and often led kids to be more confused than enlightened. PBL (problem based learning) discourages students more than it creates a lifelong passion for math.
To speak from personal experience, math was my favorite subject before attending Trinity, and I proudly considered myself a ‘math kid.’ Within two years of entering Trinity, and still to date, I see math as one of my weaker subjects and have little to no interest in pursuing a career in math or even taking any math classes in college. 
PBL, predicated on students teaching themselves math with guidance from teachers. Trinity teachers assign five two-sentence questions for homework, all of which require formulas and logic not yet derived or explained in class.  Students work on the problems for hours every night, trying to achieve enlightenment.  Unfortunately, this goal, usually not achieved.
Aside from students not having hours to spend on math homework every night, students will not blindly persevere to throw different math tools at the page in the hope of getting a correct answer. 
PBL diminishes the responsibility of teachers to teach and instead places that responsibility on the students themselves.  Our math classes are incredibly repetitive. We enter the classroom to review the previous night’s homework, and continue by working on new problems in groups. That lesson plan does not include any time for the teacher to instruct students; rather, the vast majority of teachers’ responsibilities are moderating discussions among the class and assigning students to present certain problems. 
A significant amount of the problems with PBL could become mitigated if teachers intervened to explain concepts when the class clearly stands highly confused. However, that has largely not taken place in my experience. In place of this teaching, I have heard more iterations of ‘reconsider your givens’ and ‘try that problem again’ than any human should have to endure. 
As my friends, assorted acquaintances, and I often say, the goal of Trinity’s math department is to decrease enrollment in honors classes and to destroy everyone’s passion for mathematics. 
Moreover, the vast majority of the students dislike the PBL curriculum. Even if I grant PBL the greatest amount of benefit of the doubt, it only works if you have phenomenal math teachers, of which Trinity has very few. 
“PBL is like taking a textbook, ripping out the explanations, ripping out the answers, then ripping out the problems and jumbling them randomly.” 
Once in sophomore year math class, we brought up some concerns about the curriculum to our math teacher. She responded, “I’ve found that Trinity students like to be spoon fed.” One of my classmates replied, “there is a big difference between being spoon fed and starving.” 
During my time at Phillips Exeter. I have become exposed to countless new cultures, religions, customs, and people from across the world. It is in stark contrast to the generally homogenous community of the public high school I attended before coming to Phillips Exeter!
I can say with certainty that never before coming to Phillips Exeter did I sit around a Harkness table. With people from up to four different continents at the same time. Furthermore, discuss the pressing issues that our society faces today.
Phililips Exeter broadened my horizons greatly. In addition, it allowed me to obtain a greater understanding of the world I live in. 
For this reason, when I was given the opportunity to become a math peer tutor in my freshman year of high school. I graciously accepted. It began a bit rocky! As my level of understanding in certain areas was often less than or equal to the students who I was trying to help. However, this led me to seek a deeper understanding in all the topics I learned about. As a result, I was always able to assist those who came to me. It drove me to dig deeper. Furthermore, answer the “why” of every problem I encounter. Rather than just memorizing a method to get the right answer. This skill has served me well in many facets.
The atrium inside the £38m Manchester Institute of Biotechnology.
Attending this university provided me with a wealth of knowledge and valuable experiences. Moreover, the course content offered at the university was highly appealing.
Old Medical School on Coupland Street (photographed in 1908), which now houses the School of Dentistry.
For example, my major was Mathematics with Finance, it allowed me to study both Mathematics and Finance, with a ratio of 3:1. During the first year, all courses were compulsory, which laid a strong foundation. Whereas for the  second- and third-years courses, the mandatory courses including Introduction to Financial  Mathematics, Financial Derivatives and Mathematical Modelling in Finance allowed me to learn about  quantitative finance. Students also got the opportunity to tailor studies to align with specific interests. Recognizing the increasing importance of programming, I personally chose to take courses in Python and MATLAB. 
The entrance to the Manchester Museum.
Taking an introduction to Korean course helped me to know more about Korean culture and the basic vocabulary of Korean. 
The University of Manchester is not only a prestigious institution but also a remarkably inclusive and  diverse community. There is no divide between home and international students, this multicultural  setting has broadened my horizons and exposed me to different perspectives. Furthermore, my time at  the university has instilled in me the value of independent learning.
The Whitworth Art Gallery.
Moreover, each week, we became required to engage with course materials through videos, lecture notes, and supplementary readings. Followed by  review sessions to consolidate our knowledge. Although initially challenging, I soon recognized the  immense importance of independent learning. Throughout the learning, I built my own understanding  of the whole area and decided what I want to focus on in the future. Collaborative projects with my  classmates during the semester further honed my teamwork skills, preparing me for the collaborative  nature of the professional world. 
Hulme Hall, the oldest hall of residence at the university.
Abundant libraries are scattered throughout the campus, each offering an  conducive environment for studying and collaboration. My personal favorite spot was the main library,  with its various sections and divisions catering to both individual study and group meetings. I always  went there for my academic study. 
There were lots of Careers Fairs on campus as well, where we could speak directly and in-person with  local and national organizations and find out more about their opportunities. I gained a lot of  knowledge of different industries and businesses during these fairs. 
Moreover, the University of Manchester boasts excellent sports facilities, including a gym and  swimming pool. During my leisure time, I engaged in physical exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle  and find balance among academic life. 
Reflecting on my time at the University of Manchester, I am grateful for the transformative impact it  has had on me. It has shaped me into a well-rounded individual.
Albert Square
Top 25 Colleges In The US
View from the tower of Phillips Church in 1911, showing Alumni Hall (1903. Moreover, now Mayer Art Center), and third Academy Building (1872–1914)
View from the tower of Phillips Church, Exeter, New Hampshire. At right is the 3rd Academy Building, designed by the Boston architectural firm of Peabody & Stearns. Built to replace the 2nd Academy Building, which burned on December 20, 1870. And would itself burn on July 4, 1914. In the distance is the Squamscott River.
Phillips Exeter Academy, located in Exeter, New Hampshire, is a prestigious, highly selective, co-educational independent boarding school. Widely regarded as one of the most academically rigorous and competitive schools in the United States. Admission to Phillips Exeter Academy is a challenging process that requires dedication and effort from applicants.
Let’s explore the application process! Furthermore, the factors that the school considers when making admission decisions. Additionally, the level of difficulty of getting into Phillips Exeter Academy.
Abbot Hall
When making admission decisions, Phillips Exeter Academy considers a range of factors. Including academic achievement, extracurricular activities, character, and potential for leadership! The school looks for students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement. Additionally, a commitment to intellectual curiosity and academic rigor. Additionally, the school values students who have shown leadership potential. Moreover, through their involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, and other forms of engagement.
The level of difficulty of getting into Phillips Exeter Academy is high, with an acceptance rate of around 15%. As a result, means that out of thousands of applicants, only a small fraction will become admitted. The school is highly selective! And looks for students who are not only academically strong. However, they also demonstrate leadership potential, intellectual curiosity, and a commitment to serving their communities.
Student body, Phillips Exeter Academy, ca. 1903
E. Chickering & Co. – http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/I?
The school’s high level of academic rigor and selectivity makes it an attractive option! Especially for students who are seeking a challenging and rewarding academic experience. However, it also means that the application process is highly competitive. And applicants need to become well-prepared and dedicated to their studies and extracurricular activities.
Letter from President Abraham Lincoln to Mary Todd Lincoln Written from Exeter, where Lincoln was visiting son Robert Todd Lincoln, then an Exeter student. March 1860. English Home (hec.gov.pk)
Abraham Lincoln – http://memory.loc.gov/mss/mal/mal3/434/4340100/001.jpg
The application process is comprehensive and rigorous, involving multiple stages and requiring applicants to demonstrate their abilities and potential. While getting into Phillips Exeter Academy is challenging. It is also a highly rewarding experience for students who are seeking an academically rigorous and stimulating environment.
Imperial College London
The first performance at the Hall. The decorated canvas awning seen beneath the dome.
It seemed like it was just an instant: from the time in my high school, I accidentally watched an online video of an Imperial senior graduating in the Hall; to the time when I worked hard with Imperial College as my dream school; and finally to the time when I was truly standing on my graduation ceremony in the grand and imposing Royal Albert Hall. It was like a dream. The ceremony has written a perfect ending for the colorful campus life of every Imperial student.
College coat of arms, recorded 1915.
Imperial College London is a place full of colorful life. Thanks to the unique location of Imperial College London, its extracurricular life is very rich: students can jog, ride a bike, and watch the swans in the Hyde Park; we can also go to nearby Museums to experience the charm of nature, history, and art; we can participate in a variety of activities held in school dormitories; we can also enjoy the authentic cuisines from around the world around Kensington and Chelsea.
Prince Albert was the main patron of the early Royal Colleges and the development of an area of culture in South Kensington
In Summer, there is a Street food Festival and Summer Ball held in the College. You will never become bored!
There is one more thing I have to talk about is the various societies in Imperial College. There are lots of them, and I, myself, am a member of Mathematics, Finance, Dancing, Jogging and Photography Societies. At Imperial College, you can easily find your fellows, no matter where your interests are. 
Imperial College is a place full of kindness. We have the best professors in the world, who have already found great success in their research field. However, they are still patient! Furthermore, always nice and answering our “stupid” questions. Or discuss our thoughts and confusions on every proof.
Imperial College is a place full of opportunities. Most of the ways you want to improve yourself can be found here. We can learn new languages through Horizons, explore new cultures through various events, and use your skills for good globally. When I was a mathematics undergraduate in Imperial College, I could attend a lot of world trips held by the Finance Society to financial centers around the world, like New York and Hong Kong. Also, we could have opportunities to be an exchange student to other world-leading universities, such as MIT and ETH. Obviously, as long as you want, there are many platforms and opportunities for you to enhance your insights and improve yourself. 
1922 aerial view of Imperial College London
Last but not the least, Imperial College is a place full of responsibility. Besides the professors being friendly and responsible, the Career Service together with the good reputation and rankings of Imperial College will support your career path starting from your first day in Imperial College to years after you graduate. Many top Companies, not just UK ones, will come to Imperial College to hold career events. And every Imperial student can attend them for free. These events not only fully demonstrate the companies’ acknowledgement of Imperial College. In addition, also give us countless opportunities to learn more and make a more clear plan on our future career. 
We have supportive teachers who usually encourage students to share their opinions about their teaching styles and offer understanding and support during our challenging situations. The Imperial creates a sense of camaraderie and a supportive community where us students could help each other. During my times of uncertainty about the future, like module selection and career direction, I can also always find some enthusiastic teachers, seniors or classmates, who provide me with some emotional facilitation and valuable guidance, empowering me to progress better.
The Imperial offers a wide range of modules in Mathematics, fostering intellectual curiosity and a passion for lifelong learning. And we have an online interactive forum, “edstem,” and recorded lectures and problem classes, enhancing our learning experience. In addition, our college hosts various events, including career talks, inspirational lectures, and festive celebrations, and encourages association engagement, contributing to a vibrant campus life. Through these real-world experiences, I also developed my leadership and networking skills.
How hard is it to get into Phillips Exeter Academy?
What happened at Phillips Exeter?
Culture is a complex anthropological concept. John Monaghan, in his book Social and Cultural Anthropology: a Very Short Introduction, writes that “there have probably been more anthropological definitions of ‘culture’ than there have been anthropologists.” From this, it is clear that even at the scholarly level, there is difficulty nailing down an all-encompassing definition for the term.
Also in Social and Cultural Anthropology: a Very Short Introduction, Monaghan says that:
“However we define culture, most anthropologists agree that it has to do with those aspects of human cognition and activity that are derived from what we learn as members of society, keeping in mind that one learns a great deal that one is never explicitly taught.”
Here, the insinuation is that culture is a summation of thoughts and actions learned over time. And also learned indirectly, rather than taught in something akin to a classroom environment. The idea of learning culture is studied more in depth by Katherine Dettwyler. In Cultural Anthropology and Human Experience: The Feast of Life.
She says that culture can be simplified into three categories:
Firstly, what’s inside people’s heads. Secondly, what people do, and what people make!
Moreover, it becomes learned because culture isn’t steadfast, it is constantly changing. Culture, shared since individuals will have overlap in terms of their beliefs, knowledge. In addition, attitudes which help them identify with a particular group. Culture becomes patterned because:
“We find organized systems of thought and belief, patterns of thinking and systems of knowledge, not just a random hodgepodge of factoids and unrelated ideas.” Specifically, it is this pattern of ideas and factoids that gives culture significance. 
That is to say, it takes time to develop. Also, there is no explicit teaching. However, rather ingrained into the individual by the society in which they exist. Logically, the next question is how exactly culture becomes ‘ingrained’ into an individual.
In the book The Best of The Best, the author Ruben Gatzambe-Fernandez explores the development of cultural identities at “Weston”, a pseudonym for the elite boarding school Phillips Exeter Academy, or “Exeter”. He evaluates admissions, language, and framing, in his consideration of how a student comes to identify themselves with Exeter, which is most often through the use of the term “Exonian”. 
First Academy Building c. 1910, where the school opened in 1783
Students, not made aware of the explicit reason that they become admitted to Exeter when they receive notice of admission. The effects of this are twofold. One, it disbands the possibility of a student who did not become admitted comparing themselves to those who were with specific evidence as to why.
Within the broad category of rites of passage, there exists a subgroup of transition rites, exemplified by the likes of betrothal, or in this case, initiation.
After students receive their admissions letter, students reflect on why they belong at Exeter. Jack Mitchell, one of Fernandez’ interviewees, attributes his acceptance to his willingness to have meaningful discussions. In his admissions interview, he recalls saying:
Phillips Church in 1911
As Fernandez mentions often, discussion skills are crucial to becoming Exonian. And Jack is trying to show that he has what it takes.
John Phillips, the founder of Phillips Exeter Academy
The term Legitimation, as defined in Peter Berger’s The Social Construction of Reality is “this process of ‘explaining’ and justifying.” In this instance, legitimation takes the form of spoken language, and allows Jack to rationalize his place at Exeter.
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He reasons that because he is good at discussion, one of the key parts of becoming an Exonian according to many students interviewed by Fernandez, he deserves to be at Exeter.
Post admission, and the legitimation of their own personal place in the ranks of Exeter students, individuals continue to construct their cultural identity through language. “Language might be called the domain of articulations … Language can also be compared with a sheet of paper: thought is the front and the sound the back; one cannot cut the front without cutting the back at the same time.”
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Furthermore, Language becomes connected to thoughts. Which are key to internalizing a particular cultural identity. The word that Fernandez found most intertwined to the cultural identity of Exeter students is “smart”. A good way to see this becomes through the constructing of boundaries between groups on campus. Who become considered “smart”, and those considered not. “Students use the category of PG as a way to distinguish and draw boundaries around themselves as Westonians who are smart and work hard.” The word smart becomes associated with exclusively students who are not of the PG category.
The Beatles exemplified changing cultural dynamics, not only in music, but fashion and lifestyle. Over a half century after their emergence, they continue to have a worldwide cultural impact.
In essence, language becomes used to reinforce their cultural identity as Westonian. As a result of separating themselves from the group considered not to be. In addition to language, there is another underlying anthropological concept in this method of cultural identification. It is framing. Frames “are mental structures that shape the way we see the world.” An example of a frame would be that Ethan is a PG, so Ethan is dumb. It allows individuals to reinforce their own ideas about culture.
Exeter baseball team in 1881, including a student from the Chinese Educational Mission undefined1909 advertisement for the school
However, the case study of Phillips Exeter provides great insight into what exactly culture has manifested itself into. Additionally how it becomes constructed. Furthermore, students at Exeter begin as outsiders. Thus, begin the creation of their cultural identity as Exonians upon acceptance to the institution. From there, they legitimize their presence.
In conclusion, language structures separate themselves from those considered not Exonian. And thus, more closely associating themselves with the term. Furthermore, it is a process that takes time, as culture is not instantaneous. Lastly, through what they think, what they do, and what they make. Lastly, Exeter students slowly come to associate themselves with the cultural identity of an Exeter student, being Exonian. 
is Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles good?
is Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles good?
Madrid. — Fachadas principal (con la andamiada correspondiente al pórtico) y lateral de la nueva Bolsa de Comercio, en construcción.
Felipe II trasladó a Madrid la Corte.
The Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles. Known as IEB. A private university located in Madrid, Spain. Specializing in the finance and business administration sector, offering a very complete formation in this sector.
Stands out for its wide specialization in the financial sector. Offering real and updated knowledge of the needs and problems about business. In addition, an updated knowledge of the day-to-day needs and problems of companies. Thus, fundamental in such a global and competitive world. 
Dibujo del Alcázar de Madrid en 1534 y 1535.
Bolsa de Comercio de Madrid. Plaza de la Lealtad 1. Construido en el solar donde estuvo el Teatro El Dorado entre 1886 y 1893 por Enrique Mª Repullés y Vargas. En su proximidad se encuentra el Monumento a los Caídos por España.
1.) The teaching staff stands highly involved with the training of students!
Many of them, in addition to their great professional experience,have a great training, with degrees and doctorates from the most prestigious universities and business schools. 
View of Calle de Alcalá in 1750 by Antonio Joli https://barbararosillo.com/2013/02/12/los-espanoles-de-antes/antonio-joli-vista-de-la-calle-de-alcala-h-1750-fundacion-casa-de-alba-madrid/
Façade of Madrid (Spain) Stock Exchange Building.
Achieved by orienting the training to the real needs of the companies, for example, teaching us operations that don’t appear in the manuals of study. However, their knowledge is very important because of its almost daily use. In such a changing sector and in which technological changes are vital, being up to date is not an option. Is an imperious necessity. 
This mix of experience, practice and academic knowledge from the hands of the leading finance professionals, place the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles in a privileged position. 
3.) The wide academic offer, it is worth mentioning the possibility of studying for a university degree. The degree itself plus the master’s degree in the period of 4 years with the professional practices included, the normal period of degree plus master’s degree is superior in the great majority of the cases.
I would also highlight that it is one of the few universities in our country that has a Bloomberg classroom, it has Bloomberg terminals for practice and to know its main functions. 
The IEB, an educational institution of the first level endorsed by its professionalism, employability of its students and its level of training.
Becoming trained today. And knowing first hand what stands relevant in any sector, remains the key to success. Moreover information remains power and today more than ever. And if that information becomes reflected with a specific knowledge of the hand of great professionals.
The result ends up as a very well trained and prepared student for tomorrow.
Rebellion Research CEO posing with students at Rutgers University, after giving his lecture.
A Comprehensive Overview of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Moreover, established in 1766, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is one of the oldest and most prestigious higher education institutions in the United States.
The Digital Studies Center and Johnson Park at Rutgers University.
Originally chartered as Queen’s College, Rutgers has evolved over the centuries into a leading public research university, known for its tradition of academic excellence and its commitment to public service.
Rebellion Research CEO teaching at Rutgers University.
Rutgers is a significant contributor to the educational, cultural, and economic life of the state and the nation. Its prestige extends both nationally and internationally, thanks to its extensive range of programs, diverse student body, accomplished faculty, and notable alumni.
We asked one recent graduate who went on to study for a Master’s at UC Berkeley to reflect on their experience:
Well respected for its comprehensive offerings across various disciplines. Rutgers has particularly strong programs in Business, Engineering, Nursing, and English. Its School of Environmental and Biological Sciences is also highly regarded for its innovative research and engagement with contemporary environmental issues.

Oil painting of Revolutionary War hero and philanthropist, Colonel Henry Rutgers (1745–1830), early benefactor and namesake of Rutgers University.
Henry Inman – New-York Historical Society https://emuseum.nyhistory.org/objects/20700/
In the realm of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Rutgers excels with a variety of strong programs. The School of Engineering offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in several disciplines, including Biomedical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The School of Arts and Sciences, on the other hand, hosts various STEM-related departments, such as Physics and Astronomy, Biological Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
The Rutgers College football team in 1882.
Furthermore, the cost of attending Rutgers varies depending on the specific school, degree level, and residency status. As a result of being a public institution, it offers lower tuition rates for New Jersey residents compared to out-of-state students. However, it provides a wide range of financial aid opportunities to assist students with their educational expenses.
Voorhees Mall, Rutgers University
The cost of living in New Jersey stands higher compared to the national average. As a result of largely becoming driven by housing costs.
However, the actual cost can vary significantly depending on the specific region of the state and the lifestyle of the individual. Nevertheless, with its proximity to major urban centers like New York City and Philadelphia, the cultural and professional opportunities available to Rutgers students are immense.
Senator Elizabeth Warren received her JD from Rutgers Law School on the Newark campus in 1976.
United States Senate – http://www.warren.senate.gov/?p=biography
It consistently ranks among the top universities in national and global rankings, reflecting its strength in teaching, research, and community engagement. Its faculty includes numerous distinguished scholars, and its research contributes significantly to advancements in various fields.
The admissions process at Rutgers is highly competitive!
Applicants need to submit their high school transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, and letters of recommendation. The university considers the rigor of high school coursework, grades, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, and the personal essay in its admissions decisions. Certain competitive programs may have additional requirements or higher standards for admission.
Photograph of the Nielson Campus of Rutgers College. Viewed from Hamilton Street or in front of New Jersey Hall (Agricultural Experiment Station), circa 1919-1920. This section of campus is presently called Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue Campus of Rutgers. In addition, the State University of New Jersey in New Brunswick. Buildings (left to right):
New Jersey Hall (staircase only), Hertzog Hall and Suydam Hall (obscured by trees, New Brunswick Theological Seminary campus). Milledoler Hall, Miller Hall, and the Delta Upsilon fraternity house. Moreover, other information, this image from a book located on Google Books at: https://books.google.com/books?id=dVcZAAAAYAAJ.
While I understand it isn’t easy to delve into details as the university is very varied, my two inputs are:
In conclusion, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, stands as a premier institution of higher learning. Lastly, its long history, comprehensive academic offerings, dedication to research, and robust community engagement make it a valuable choice for students from all walks of life. Moreover, its strong reputation, combined with the opportunities afforded by its location, solidifies its position as a leader in public higher education.
Rebellion Research CEO posing with students after giving a lecture at Rutgers University.
Lee Chapel and Museum located in Lexington, Virginia at Washington and Lee University. The chapel, built in 1867. General Robert E. Lee served as president from 1865 to 1870. Kept his office in the chapel and he chose it as his burial spot. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/highsmhtml/highsmabt.html states that Highsmith has dedicated the photos in the archive to the public domain.
Yes, an excellent school! An excellent choice! Consistently among the 20 ranked liberal arts schools in the country!
My Experience Studying at Washington and Lee 
George Washington, the institution’s first major benefactor.
This May, I completed my first year at Washington and Lee. I left campus and embarked on a 17-hour car ride home with a long road ahead of me. And ample time to reflect on all I had overcome, accomplished and new aspirations prompted by all the years brought. 
After all, growing up in a small town that emulated a bubble. Wells are not exactly the best launchpad in an environment where most people know you at the beginning. Only so far as your first and last name, if that. The difficulty of this transition during the first couple of months, coupled with my spiraling anxiety and depression. Ultimately became the lowest point I felt I had ever reached. I worried I was not strong enough to transition and succeed in college, both academically and socially. Seeing an end in sight became harder and harder, and everything felt uncertain.

“Washington College at Lexington,” lithograph, by Henry Howe. Courtesy of the New York Public Library Digital Collection. Henry Howe http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?54792
Alumnus Tom Wolfe, Class of 1951. Legendary American writer of ‘The Right Stuff’, ‘Electric Kool Aid Acid Test’, ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ and many more. White House Photo by Susan Sterner. – http://www.whitehouse.gov/firstlady/initiatives/wh-salute.html
I had never felt so scared or unlike myself. I felt the only thing I could depend on was the hope that time would bring certainty and familiarity into my life, and even that felt uncertain. 
Needless to say, the culmination of these feelings posed a fierce competitor to my academic focus. I struggled to stay on top of my work and felt it was impossible to put forth the level of focus and effort that had earned me a spot at W&L in the first place. Each time I put this in perspective. I felt overwhelmed with frustration, aware of the many excellent academic opportunities I had right at my fingertips. But I did not know how to overcome the mental guard in the way. 
As time went on, I overcame these hardships. I frequently met with a therapist and academic coaches. With their help and my gradual adaptation to the rigorous collegiate lifestyle, I grew into myself again, into the student and person meant to be at W&L.
Moreover, with each day, my grades, focus, and depth of engagement and involvement all correlated in a positive direction!
I fostered several strong rapports with my professors and developed great friendships. I walked away from my first year with a heightened understanding of my potential as not just a student at Washington and Lee but also as an individual with an entirely new perspective.
Ruins of Liberty Hall, grounds of Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Virginia. From the Carol M. Highsmith Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Donated to the Library by Carol M. Highsmith.
President’s House, begun in 1868 as a residence for Robert E. Lee and his wife. Carol M. Highsmith http://memory.loc.gov/pnp/pplot/13600/13600/01181v.jpg
My college life at Georgia Tech began with an intense fascination towards computer hardware.  As a computer engineering major, I was drawn to the world of computer architecture, digital  circuit, and everything about silicon chips. The promise of understanding how computers  actually work motivated me, hoping one day I could design my own chips. My first year at Georgia Tech, a school with tremendous resources in the field of electrical and computer  engineering, was marked by courses and projects that allowed me to delve deep into computer  architecture and hardware design. 
Soon, however, my interest began to shift from the physical aspects of computers to the world  of software. This transition started when I learned about Moore’s law. Moore’s law dictated the  development process of the computer hardware field: the number of transistors on a microchip  doubles approximately every two years. However, as we approached the physical limitations (size of an atom, speed of light), it became evident that Moore’s law, as well as the progression  of hardware, has reached its limits in recent years. I realized that the future of computational  innovations lay not in the physical chips themselves, but in what we could make those chips do  – the realm of computer software.
President Barack Obama at Georgia Tech
Despite having to leave the school and my  friends for one semester, the joy of entering the industry for the first time was huge, and I  looked forward to creating software that would change the world. However, my time in the  professional world offered me a different perspective. I found that the industry became structured. Such that the most impactful software became developed by large teams of hundreds or even  thousands of developers.
Georgia Tech’s first two graduates were H.L. Smith (top row, center) and G.C. Crawford (top row, far right).
The  pace of progress seemed sluggish to me. And I found the atmosphere saturated with talk about work-life balance rather than a passion for the work itself. It seemed to me that not everyone  truly loved what they were doing. Like how I transitioned from hardware to software, I decided to make my next move. 
Through interactions with diverse individuals, I got a glimpse into the fast-paced world of  quantitative investment, where computer science knowledge like machine learning and data  science also play a vital role. The idea of employing advanced data science techniques and  statistical tools like regression and optimization to navigate the complex world of finance  excited me.
With new aspirations, I sought opportunities that help me explore more about this field. I interned as a quant developer. Then as a quant research intern at Jiawo Asset Management. Finally as a quant developer intern at Millennium.
Each experience reaffirmed my passion for quantitative research and the world of  investment. 
However, as I transitioned to this field, I realized that Georgia Tech’s resources and support for  investment were not as robust as their offering in computer hardware or software. This compelled me to  take ownership of my own learning. I drove myself to understand more about the industry. As a result, engaging in self-research and networking with experienced people in the quantitative industry. 
Looking back, I see how Georgia Tech’s culture of intellectual curiosity shaped me. The  university encouraged me to seek out new opportunities, persevere through challenges, and  stay committed to my goals. Despite the lack of extensive resources in the investment field, I’ve  learned that it’s not always about the resources but about the will to utilize what’s at hand and  show commitments to every responsibility.
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